Friday, April 23, 2010

Beyond The Hundredth Meridian

"Agriculture was effortless: no forests needed clearing, manual tillage was not required, even the use of the plow was not essential, so eager were seeds to germinate in this paradise. As the plains were amply irrigated by underground and artesian waters, the plateau was watered by mountain streams of purest melted snow, and to arrange fields for irrigation was no more trouble than fencing, which the ditches heres superseded."

After reading this paragraph I instantly had flashbacks of how life would of been had I been born in an earlier era. How natures wonders were all that you could see for miles and beyond and everything was so peaceful. No loud machinery or other contraptions were needed to fix or makes things better, nature had its own way of doing things and it worked out just fine. Yet, only a handful of people back then were able to fully appreciate the full forests, streams, and fields...that was truly paradise. I dont think id would of minded at all being born in a era where nature consumed every singel aspect of my life. It would of been a peaceful and carefree life. :)

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