Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tonacacihuatl: Lady of Our Flesh

Fragrance of the rain in her breath. The dampness at the back of her knees smells like rain also. She apprears with a shining crow the color of cinnabar, and a mark at her shoulders blades displays the same crow.
Poison had made her throat lovely. For that poison,praise is chanted in hear meters making triple digit noise. Part of her has the form of a tule stem, and that form she can absorb, if she wants it hidden. And it is hidden!

I fell in love with the first two phrases of this poem. Im not very poetic and i dont quite understand most poems, so i cant really analyize it in detail. But her choice of words and descriptions sound really nice. The fact that she refers a SHE instead of a HE just makes it sound more lovely. One of my most favorite smells in the world is the smell of rain right before it hits and her description in the first phrase sounds just lovely. The whole peom itself was nice but the first two little paragraphs caught my attention. Beautilful work from a brilliant lady.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sand County Almanac

"Our ability to perceive quality in nature begins, as in art, with the pretty. It expands through successive stages of the beautiful to values as yet uncaptured by language."

Not really much to say about this quote, it pretty much sums it all up. Im sure mostly everyone feels this way. Its a beautiful quote and it is like art. You first see it and look at it and its just pretty. The older you get and the more appreciative you become only then can you see the true beauty of the beholder.